Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Unwashed Masses

One of the core parts of a Genestealer Cult force are the Brood Brothers - ordinary humans fighting alongside the Genestealers. The easiest, and most common way to represent these are through the use of Imperial Guardsmen, representing military defectors, but the background also includes regular civilians such as miners, office clerks and so on.

Unfortunately Games Workshop do not provide any 'Imperial Citizen' models (or at least that I can find), with the closest 'non-military' models being those from Necromunda (which in turn have their own flaws as each gang has its own unique look so an entire army of these would look a little odd).

So I decided to attempt to create my own 'patchwork militia' from some spare parts I had lying around.
The main components consisted of Catachan legs, trimmed and modified with greenstuff to look less militaristic, Cadian arms, with the shoulder pads trimmed off, and Empire militia or Catachan torsos with assorted heads.

To keep with the non-military aspect, I tried to keep the weaponry the militia were armed with as low-tech as possible, instead of grenades they have Molotov cocktails, autoguns instead of lasguns and very primitive flame throwers.

I've still got a little more work to do on them but they're one of my first major projects (and my first using greenstuff) so I don't think they're too bad from cobbling a few parts together.

Scratch built heavy stubber

More heavy stubber

Primitive flame thrower and welding mask

Rebel with Molotov cocktail

Greenstuff Satchel

Running rebel

Balaclava hooligan

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