Saturday, 9 July 2011


I've been quite busy the past few day. Just completed some hybrids which, combined with my test paint and hybrid leader, complete a five man hybrid squad.

Nothing too fancy really. Simply assembled some plastic hybrids (from Advanced Space Crusade I think...) and added some weapons.

To make it look less like I just kit bashed some Imperial Guard parts, as well as creating a 'rag tag' look to my force (as opposed to a highly organised army) I mixed up some of the combat weapons and tried to use auto-pistols (as opposed to las-pistols) as the 'standard' weapon. Also, as I will likely be using these hybrids for 2nd edition 40k, the las-pistol is slightly better than the auto-pistol, so I've reserved it for my leader.

Flamer Hybrid - I'm quite impressed with the burnt effect at the end of the flamer.

Axe Hybrid

Sword Hybrid

The complete squad
Unfortunately, there's only one pose to the hybrids and limited arms. They're also quite rare / expensive for plastic figures so I'm a little wary about just hacking them apart for conversions. I have quite a few now so I may plan some new / more interesting poses for the future.

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